CMAG Meeting Minutes and Papers

June 21, 2023

CMAG Meeting Materials and Minutes can be found on the meetings and events tab, by selecting the required meeting. Users can find historical meeting materials by selecting the ‘previous events’ button and searching for the relevant meeting details.…

New CM Rules Change Proposal CP371 ‘Protection from Very Late Network Connections’

June 7, 2023

A new CM Rules Change Proposal CP371 ‘Protection from Very Late Network Connections’ has been raised by Waters Wye Associates. CP371 seeks to amend Rule 6.7.7 so that a Capacity Provider receives capacity payments for the full expected length of their Capacity Agreement in cases where a planned connection date is delayed by the Transmission Operator or relevant Distribution Network …

Ofgem decision on CM Rules Change Proposals without Consultation

March 18, 2023

On 17 March 2023, Ofgem published its decision to reject four CM Rules Change Proposals without further consideration:

  • CP357 (Review of T-3 Auction 2020);
  • CP358 (Previous Settlement Period Performance);
  • CP360 (Promoting Net Zero Assets); and
  • CP367 (Fossil Fuel Emissions Declaration).

Ofgem discussed it’s minded-to-reject decision with the CMAG in advance, and the CMAG were in support of Ofgem’s decision and …